DZ: Enchanted Wonderland

Welcome fairies and woodland creatures! Dive into a world of wonder with strange happenings and tons of magic! This exhibit is generously made possible by the Nartel Family Foundation–thank you!

Painting Dino Tracks

Make your own dino prints using different fun tools to paint them!  EBT/WIC free up to 4 people ( 5th is regular admission), sponsored by Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Charitable

Space Halloween Puppet Show

3 Spooky shows that bring more joy than fright! Stop on by for Richard Paul and his whacky puppets! Three shows included with admission at 11am, 1pm, and 3pm! October

Design a Rocket

October Discount: EBT/WIC free up to 4 people ( 5th is regular admission), sponsored by Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Foundation!

Space Shuttle Endeavour

October Discount: EBT/WIC free up to 4 people ( 5th is regular admission), sponsored by Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Foundation!

Sensory Sunday

No Groups, no events--just quiet quality time with family!  Enjoy quality quiet time at the Flint Children's Museum. No groups, field trips, birthday party, or events are scheduled, and sensory

Straw Rockets

October Discount: EBT/WIC free up to 4 people ( 5th is regular admission), sponsored by Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Foundation!  

Planet Marble Painting

October Discount: EBT/WIC free up to 4 people ( 5th is regular admission), sponsored by Hastings Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Foundation!