
2 thoughts on “20240315_132947

  1. Hello, I work for a local non-profit Safe House Program called Prism Project. Our mission is to advocate for and shelter child survivors of sex trafficking. We have 2 fundraising events coming up before summer and are inquiring about the possibility of getting a couple sets of season passes donated to be in our raffles to help us raise funds for the safe house. If season passes are not an option then maybe a few sets of day passes. My daughter and I come a few times a year and I have also volunteered with Erika at your museum pulling weeds a couple times sprout side. I love your museum and would love to give recognition during our events. Please call me at 810-922-2810 or email me at lynn@prismprojectmi.org

    1. Hello Lynn, thanks for reaching out–I will send out this information to Jacky, our Visitor Services Manager for follow up. When would you need the passes by? I recognized your name right away, it’s wonderful that we are able to give back after all your help!

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